Только хорошее кино: список фильмов по жанрам, содержание, рецензии, отзывы, фильмографии
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7 Multiple Movies About Casino: To Laugh, Cry, and Get into Atmosphere

Films about casinos is an interesting category in a movie’s industry because they allow you to cover the whole range of emotions. Dramas, comedies, intellectual thrillers, noir and even art-house are filmed based on this topic. Although casinos are not allowed in all countries, but films about them are available to everyone. If, after viewing, you want to visit such place, you should do it in the VIP establishments such as Michael Boettcher’s Storm International.

1. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Based on a popular novel, the cult film Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas portrays Hunter Thompson's (Johnny Depp) crazy trip in Western America. In the company of his insane Samoan lawyer, Thompson heads to Las Vegas with a huge advance for a magazine’s sporting event. Dissolving money for a huge amount of drugs, they are in search of the “American Dream” and encounter police, gamblers, drug dealers and hitchhikers along the way. The film portrays Vegas in the style of "Sin City" - dangerous, frank and very far from the "American Dream".

2. The Hangover

The quintessential "What happens in Vegas - stays in Vegas" film about the casino. Phil (Bradley Cooper), Stu and Alan head to Vegas to celebrate their friend Dag's bachelor party in a special style. Three friends wake up, not remembering previous night’s events, discover the disappearance of the groom and find a tiger in the bathroom. With only a few hours to find the truth and Doug, will they manage to get to the wedding on time? A fun and reckless image of Vegas and its astounding casino.

3. 5 Against the House

The film is interesting to see for those who love 40s-60s Hollywood crime dramas. Sustained in the noir style, it is simple and embellished, tells the story of four friends who first decided to have fun at the casino, and then come up with a plan for its perfect robbery. And, of course, it didn’t go without a woman - beauty-canary from a cabaret, who also dreamed of big money and was not averse to rob a gambling establishment. But as you know, nothing perfect exists. By the way, the picture is based on the eponymous story by American science fiction writer Jack Finney.

4. The Cooler

Which employees do not need a casino! It turns out that if you are a loser, as a middle-aged Bernie (William H. Macy), then you can work out the accumulated debts, extending your unlucky aura to the visitors of the gambling establishment, from which luck is in no hurry to turn away. But Fortune, as we know, is a capricious lady, and can suddenly smile even to the very latest loser, giving him love, which will make him happy. But the happiness of some often does not give rest to others, especially when a business suffers. This film, which combines several genres at once, is perfect for watching on a warm summer evening alone, because the company will be composed of wonderful actors, recommends Darren Keane from Storm International. What is only Alec Baldwin, reincarnated in a desperate bastard Shelley and nominated for this role on the Oscar award .

5. Rounders

Mike McDermott (Matt Damon) is a law student with poker skills. Having lost all his money to the Russian crime boss of the Teddy KGB (John Malkovich), he swears to quit gambling and concentrate only on his studies.

Mike keeps his word until his childhood friend Lester "The Worm" Murphy comes out of prison. And soon he begins to play again party after game in order to pay his friend’s debt to his pursuers. Rounders is often considered to be the best casino movie for poker fans.

6. The Gambler

Outwardly, Axel Fried (James Caan) - an English-inspired professor and author; but behind this look is a restless person with a serious gambling addiction and growing debts. Having stolen $ 44,000 from his own mother, he and his wife Billy head to Vegas to try and recoup. A vivid story about the dangers of addiction, insanity, and how far people can go when the stakes are really high.

7. Rain Man

The spoiled businessman Charlie Babbitt (Tom Cruise) finds himself out of life, having received only rose bushes from his father. After the first meeting with his older brother Raymond (Dustin Hoffman), autistic ill, Charlie takes him to Vegas, having decided to use his abilities for big winnings at the blackjack table. A film about kinship, mental acumen and trespassing in Las Vegas.

Anton Mukha - May, 14, 2019

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